COVID-19 Communications for Your Heart-Centered Business

COVID-19 Communications for Your Business

Boss, I know this uncertain time can feel scary, and it is a time of very real fear(s), or perhaps just a feeling of unknowing in general. A client recently asked me: “Do you think we should pause social media posts?” My answer was a big fat NO, and I’m here to explain why this is and what you should be doing during this trying time instead. Here’s the best ways you can show up through your COVID-19 communications for your business:

Be present.

Communicate often, and don’t be afraid to over communicate. The number one key takeaway here is to remind folks that you exist. Regardless of if your storefront is closed right now or you aren’t able to see clients in-person for their regularly scheduled appointments, you are able to show up on your social media to engage your loyal supporters and show them that you are here to help them through this time. The worst thing to do during a crisis is to go silent, you will be forgotten and if you aren’t forgotten, you will lose the trust in your followers because you aren’t showing up intentionally to participate in the conversation no matter how difficult.

Be a resource.

I am floored by the amount of folks sharing free resources and education during this time. Heck, even Yale is showcasing free classes online! We always suggest that you show up as a resource for your audience, but especially right now when they aren’t able to fulfill their appointments with you, or come in/order from you (if that’s the case). If you’re a hair stylist, for example, you can provide them with insights on how to take care of their hair (and their root grow-out!) from home, and inform them of what your first steps will be as soon as you can open and get back to business again.

Be a distraction.

Your people, no matter what niche you’re in, are restless, bored and looking for something to take their mind off things, and let’s be real: Tiger King only lasts for 7 episodes! It’s your job during this time to also be a distraction for them - showcasing easy, fun and free resources that they can enjoy from the comfort of their couch. I have been truly overwhelmed (in the best way) at the effort that brands and individuals are taking to show up both on and off social media, both for free and for profit as a creative source of income to supplement their losses. I’ve personally purchased a painting kit from a painting studio, a cupcake decorating kit from a cupcake shop, multiple online performances, classes and more to fill up my free time while supporting artists and small businesses impacted by the shutdown. Now is the time to get innovative and showcase your skillset to serve others.

Be reliable.

When you post on your social media, add blog posts to your website and send e-blasts out to your email list, you must do so with consistency. You will find me constantly preaching this idea without COVID-19 in the picture, but in a moment of such instability and uncertainty, it’s more important than ever to provide a sense of stability and reliability for your audience. Be the sense of calm that they are so desperately seeking.

Be future-minded.

Eventually, this recession will end and customers will be looking for your products/services again. Being realistic and presenting the facts is key, but be careful not to incite fear or be a Debbie Downer - be a beacon of hope within reason, too! One of the best ways you can create hope around this uncertain situation is to be future-minded and sell (without being salesy) a vision for the future with your products or services. Slip in details about what people can expect from you after the dust settles, and perhaps run a special offer when that time comes.

Be human.

Most importantly over all the others is to be authentic and real - a human with real feelings and real struggles! Everyone is a little (sometimes a lot!) flustered by this pandemic and rightfully so, it’s okay to feel that way. Showcasing the human side to your business or brand will relate to this pain point of your audience and bring your community together. It’s okay to share appropriate memes on social media (or create your own!) and ask your audience to engage in conversations around the issue.

Want to dive deeper into this topic with me? Watch my IGTV episode below in which I answer some of your most pressing questions, give examples of great businesses who are utilizing these approaches and encourage you to find your own purpose amidst the chaos.

If you’re still feeling stuck, unsure of what to share right now and want to leverage a unique strategy fit for your specific type of business and offerings, I would love to extend 50% off all 1-on-1 mentorship sessions now through the end of the crisis to ensure that you are equipped with the necessary tools.

I’d love to help you outline a solid content marketing strategy that you can start implementing TODAY, get you trained on elements of your digital strategy that you may have been putting off, and discuss the nitty gritty details of what you're going to do once this chaos is all over and it's time to ramp up again!

As always, please reach out if you have any questions - I’m here and would love to answer them. You can leave them in the comments here or reach out via DM on Instagram or Facebook.

Stay steady, stay hopeful and stay well.

COVID-19 Communications for Your Business

more food for thought…

Kathryn Coffman

Content Marketing Professional at Lifestyle Blogger at Fiercely passionate about helping everyday women + biz owners live their best life!

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